The 8 Most Commonly Hoarded Objects in the UK

We all have a tendency to hoard things, even if we’re not aware of it. Take a good look at any room in your house, and you’ll likely find dozens of examples of things you picked up at some point, put to one side, and have no real intention of ever using again.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at the eight most commonly hoarded objects in the UK and what you can do to clear your home of them:

Hoarded Objects

Magazines and newspapers

People often don’t have the chance to read a newspaper or magazine from cover to cover as soon as they buy it. These are often put to one side to be completed once we have the time, but that time never comes.

DVDs and VHS tapes

Despite the plethora of streaming services available, many of us are still enticed by physical media. Hundreds of DVDs and old VHS cassettes sit on our shelves, yet they never get watched because we can bring them up on Netflix or other streaming services at the touch of a button.

Plastic bags

Hoarding plastic bags has seen a definite uptick since supermarkets introduced bags for life. However, most of us forget to bring these hoarded bags with us and simply add to our collection after each shopping trip.


We often have clothes that we don’t wear any more, but we feel that the right occasion to do so is right around the corner. If your clothes collection is spilling out of your wardrobe and chest of drawers, it may be time to cut back.


Keeping hold of receipts feels like a practical thing to do—after all, it’s proof that you’ve purchased something and might be needed if you require a refund. After a certain amount of time, though, it just becomes another scrap of paper stuffed into a drawer.

Junk mail

Many of us collect junk mail because we’re never sure if we’re going to need a particular service, money-off coupon, or takeaway menu. However, since most junk mail is time-sensitive, by the time you get around to using it, it’s out of date.


Most clothing shops present their goods on hangers that never get used at home. Instead, we might fold T-shirts, tracksuits, and other items neatly into a dresser drawer. Why, then, do we insist on keeping the hangers, bare and rattling, in our wardrobes for eternity? It is a good idea to leave the hangers at the store they were purchased from or recycle them at a local hanger recycling point.

Cleaning products

Do you have five different types of bleach under your sink? A dozen air fresheners of different fragrances? Multiple cleaners for every conceivable surface? Most of these can be replaced by a single, multi-purpose cleaner for any given job.

How to resolve your hoarding problem

Regular cleanouts are a good way to break the attachment you might have to your hoarded items. Go through your belongings and ask yourself if you really want or need these things. Are you ever going to pick up that newspaper from 2019? Will you ever watch your Aladdin DVD now that it’s on Disney+? Much of what you collect can be sold on eBay or donated to a charity shop. Magazines and newspapers can be taken for recycling. As for the rest? Simply gather up some black bags and get rid of them. You’ll feel better for it, and your house will look better too.

Hoarding: Final thoughts

If you’re having a clear-out of your old, unwanted items in Bilston, Wolverhampton, or elsewhere in the West Midlands, you may find it beneficial to hire a skip. Here at Black Country Skip Hire, we provide a range of skip hire services in several sizes, depending on the extent of your house clearance. Give the team a call today on 01902 494452 or 01902 408383 and let us find you the perfect domestic skip solution.

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